- Answer
Why hasn't my item shipped yet?
While most of our items have a relatively short shipping timeframe, there are those that need just a little more time to get to you. Below are some of the items that take longer to ship/deliver than average. Please be advised that this list is not all inclusive. Your delivery estimate will provide further information on the shipping of your item.
Custom Art-
Custom art can take up to 10 business days to ship. Once shipped, you will receive the tracking information.
Oversized items (furniture sets, appliances, shipments weighing over 151lbs, etc) can take up to 10 business days to ship. Generally, you should receive your shipment within 4 weeks of your order date. The freight carrier will contact you to arrange the delivery once it is in your local area.
Click here for shipping information.
Shipping & Delivery Exceptions
1 min. readlast update: 02.24.2025